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Pigeon Valley fire update 61: Sea breeze aids firefighting

Fire update

Firefighting efforts are continuing to focus on locating and extinguishing hotspots underground.

Crews have kept working to black out the area around the perimeter of the fire. A blacked out area is one where the fire has been completely extinguished, cooled and there are no hotspots. The initial aim is to black out 10 metres, extending to 30 metres to achieve total control of the fire.

Wind and high temperatures made for challenging firefighting conditions this morning. A forecast sea breeze arrived early, making for more favourable conditions to fight the fire this afternoon. As at 4pm, forest fire danger levels had dropped for the time being.
Residential access
Civil Defence Controller Jim Frater said that because of this morning’s conditions, there was no restricted residential access for residents of Eves, Teapot and Redwood Valleys today. A decision will be made in the morning about whether access can be provided for residents tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the Civil Defence Centre remains open at the Richmond New Life Church at 85 Wensley Road, 10am to 4pm, for anyone affected by the fire.
Redwood Valley water supply
The Tasman District Council is working to maintain consistent water supply to properties serviced by the Redwood Valley water supply system. This is because one of the main water pipelines was damaged while a firebreak was created. Because of the current access restrictions to the area, there are sometimes delays in making repairs and the pipeline remains vulnerable. This means that at times supply to properties serviced by the pipeline will be intermittent.
Community meeting
There will be a community meeting and information session for those affected by the fire at the Hope Community Church on Wednesday evening from 6pm.



Photo caption: a tree stump that has been dug up with an excavator to extinguish a hot spot burning in the roots.

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